Misfit Co
  • Salaciously Original.

    Studio Misfit is the full service brand strategy and creative studio behind everything that happens at Misfit. We spend most of our time working with our own unruly portfolio companies on their various missions across the world, and some of our time working with a handful of rebellious clients hell-bent on making this world a more interesting place.

  • Exhaustive analysis wrapped in pornographic amounts of creativity.

    Creative is not enough. Yes ma’am. Our filthy little secret at Misfit is that Creative is never where we start. If you don’t know who your potential customers are, where they spend their time or how in zeus’s name they find you, it won’t matter that you paid some slick agency a fuckload of money to design you a shiny, new ai-prompted logo. Whether it’s one of our lovely portfolio companies or one of the happy few clients we work with, we always begin with the boring stuff. An in depth discovery, audit and analysis of your current business, followed by multiple strategy sessions until we have a distinct and detailed gameplan of how to breathe  life into your vision.

  • You can’t ChatGPT a heartbeat.

    Messaging is not fucking copy. Messaging is a douchey term concocted by a bunch of overpaid suits two decades ago which is essentially the sum of how you view yourself – your vision, your mission, your swag – and how you express that view to the community you are trying to attract. Are you luxurious? Irreverent? A trusted incumbent? A punchy underdog? What do you stand for? Who do you fight against? Before a solitary pixel is ever dropped on your behalf, your messaging framework serves as your own organisational magna carta for the dent you’re trying to make in this world.

  • Go ahead, mention Midjourney to us one fucking time.

    If you’ve ever prompted a brand mark using an ai tool for a company, organisation or project you care about, please leave this site and never fucking come back. Brand is not about a logo. It’s about a feeling that your customer gets when they see you appear in their lives. Yes, from a clinical perspective, the combination of colour palette, brand mark, typeface, photographs, illustrations, etc – is your brand, but really it’s your visual language, your rebel flag, the symbols and secular iconography that represent the mission you’re on. And as you can tell by the very website you are currently perusing, it’s something we take atrociously seriously here at Misfit.

  • If Don Draper had Hubspot, he probably wouldn’t have drank so fucking much.

    Most organisations are still simply guessing at which combination of campaigns and creative work to attract the customers they seek. But the foundation of marketing isn’t following hunches. The foundation of marketing is following data. Which is why we’ve spent the last ten years becoming award-winning specialists at integrating Hubspot into the fabric of companies worldwide. That’s right, internet, we’re serious people now! How, where and when to communicate with your prospective customers becomes much more straightforward once you have a crystal clear picture of who the fuck they actually are, where they come from and what they want from you.

  • In a world full of shitty rosé served in plastic cups, it’s actually pretty easy to stand out.

    As design and content become more and more commoditised, the non-digital experiences you provide your customers or community will be one of the few areas that will remain completely defensible. But only if you actually give a shit. Whether it’s your annual customer conference, a meet-up at SXSW or the swag you send your super fans during the holidays – every single real life interaction is worth a thousand digital ones. And if you’ve ever attended one of our events or partner events, you know that delighting and enchanting our tribe is woven into the fabric every solitary decision we make when designing experiences for them.

  • If you are looking for a standard agency, for the love of God, please don’t contact us.

    We work with weirdos, non-conformists and eccentrics around the world that have an important story to tell, and a crystal clear vision as to why it needs to be told. If you’ve got a one of a kind project that you think Misfit would be the perfect partner for, please email us at hello@misfit.co.